
In the A.Y. 2019/2020 I hold the following course:

– Sistemi Informativi (per il settore dell’informazione) (5 CFU), Ing. Informatica – Leonardo (Bachelor level)

In the A.Y. 2019/2020 I am also teaching assistant in the following courses:

– Sistemi Informativi (10 CFU), Ing. Gestionale – Bovisa (Bachelor level) – Held by Prof. Pierluigi Plebani

– Basi di Dati 1 (5 CFU), Ing. Informatica – Leonardo (Bachelor level) – Held by Prof. Sara Comai

During the past years I was teaching assistant in the following courses:

– Sistemi Informativi (10 CFU), Ing. Gestionale – Bovisa (Bachelor level) – Held by Prof. Pierluigi Plebani – A.Y. 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and 2018/19

– Sistemi Informativi (per il settore dell’informazione) (5 CFU), Ing. Informatica – Leonardo (Bachelor level) – Held by Prof. Cinzia Cappiello – A.Y. 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and 2018/2019

– Sistemi Informativi (per il settore dell’informazione) (5 CFU), Ing. Informatica – Como (Bachelor level) – Held by Prof. Monica Vitali – A.Y. 2017/2018 and 2018/2019

– Basi di Dati 1 (5 CFU), Ing. Informatica – Leonardo (Bachelor level) – Held by Prof. Sara Comai – A.Y. 2018/2019

– Process and Service Design (5 CFU), Ing. Informatica – Leonardo (Master level) – Held by Prof. Pierluigi Plebani – A.Y. 2018/2019

During the past years I was also laboratory manager in the following courses:

– Prova finale di Ingegneria del Software (3 CFU), Ing. Informatica – Leonardo (Bachelor level) – Held by Prof. Pierluigi San Pietro – A.Y. 2017/2018 and 2018/2019

Information on lectures of these courses is available on the BeeP platform [link]